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Individuals practicing a yoga pose (Warrior 2)

My Teaching Style

My teaching style is rooted in Vinyasa - a style of yoga that uses breath to connect each of the body's movements as it flows through a series of poses. Literally meaning "to place in a special way" in Sanskrit, a Vinyasa-style yoga practice intentionally builds upon each posture ("asana"). This helps the body gradually become more open throughout a sequence.


When practicing with me, you'll mindfully move through a variety of poses  (could include lunges, twists, squats, forward folds, gentle backbends, stretches, or core work) while standing, sitting on the mat or in a chair, or lying on your back. Inhales and exhales are used to move deeper into a posture and to link each pose to the next. 


I will focus on guiding you through correct alignment, as well as ways to make poses more accessible.  I encourage and model equipment use (a yoga block or large book, a yoga strap or a towel, and a blanket) to help you experience a posture more fully.  In this way, my style is adaptive to practicing yoga both on the mat or in a chair, and is suitable for beginner and experienced practitioners. 


I teach a wide variety of yoga styles, including Slow Flow, Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga for Seniors, and Yoga for Joint and Bone Health. My goal is to support and meet you wherever you are in your yoga journey, helping you build strength, increase flexibility, and simply feel better overall. 

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